Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Morning Tai Chi practice finally wraps [3/3]

[continued from last 2 posts -- I know this journal is continuous so is always "continued" from last post, but this is in fact the same writing exercise, or writing bout, as the last two]

Now, you're napping after having quickly scanned the landscape for smokes because keeping up the relaxation, especially with the writing, with the impatience that kept coming up your gut like acrid tension wanting you to write faster and tense up and not breathe so well had tired you out good. You breathed through it, as you are now, and didn't put your hand to your forehead and hunch over the desk while you wrote like an inexperienced drummer at a trapset, instead you breathed deep and relaxed that place up behind your shoulder where it always hurt that tensed up when you were writing like it was afraid of something; you relaxed that spot and you could feel it into your last two fingers, invisible, and you figured it was your heart meridian.

You did all that, and exhaled as you wrote these last few lines, thinking of washing the sour taste of starches metabolizing with your saliva into sugars out of your mouth before you went to the nap. And you did -- gratefully stopping writing.


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