I read 1950's era Snyder
It's just so encouraging. Easy to envision myself living in a tribe/group collective, farming and gathering, and taking responsibility, writing poetry because it's important to write poetry -- the people writing for what's next. Feathers & furs and new information too.
Thoughts of college & schools welling up. Frankly, the perks of my privilege -- I'm white American for crissakes, even male. What does this get me? Right now, it gets me less "work" and more Work. Rolling & dancing & lavishing myself in Time, afforded me by this position.
Time out of the financial system -- privileged time -- time to think & find mentors and synthesize where nothing has existed before. I intend to revel in this, as I am now. I intend to lick up and take as far as I can every little opportunity (privilege or no) life affords me. I have done this, as long as it serves my needs and desires. The needs of growth and expansion, learning to support that expansion and make it communicable.
Help myself so much that it naturally helps everyone. Love and accept myself completely always as my practice.
"Take my practiced powers and stretch them out until they span the chasm between two contradictions ... For the god wants to know himself in you." -- Rilke, trans. by Stephen Mitchell
[this book, linked through the text or in the sidebar, deserves special mention. It's one of those books that can change your life, honestly. Near the time I spent at the lookout, I had it physically on my person for almost a full year. It's a beautiful translation (the folks who think Bly did a better job can jump in a creek)]
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