Saturday, June 9, 2007

July 20th, 10 minute writing practice continued

[more of the writing practice on "the sweetheart" assignment]

You -- what? What do I look like? (an image of a woman, a cross between Natalie Goldberg & Louise Erdrich comes to mind)

That doesn't matter. Oh you think it does? And *my* life?

If you insist. I'm a writer, and have been for many years. I live somewhere in the mid-or-South-West,. I'm in my early-mid thirties, I teach writing workshops, and have published books.

I enjoy poetry, but write mostly prose. Yes, I'm your anima; a little healthier than the little, scared girl who wants/doesn't want to have sex ha?

I guess I'm grounded (you put those words into my mouth). I plant gardens, I can & pickle, and own dogs. I have a small symbolic fence around my yard, and there's mountains in the distance. I'm NOT Natalie Goldberg, good try.

Yea, I live somewhere in the Southwest, it's cool this time of year too. I am successful in that I don't have to worry about money; and I have the time, landscape, and solitude to write. I write well, and simply. I like art, and something about me reminds you of both Georgia O'Keefe & Ellen Butler [my high school photography teacher, pragmatic and smart]. Both true -- not as rangy or sharp as O'Keefe, though. I do love her stuff.

I enjoy photography (Arbus and Avedon) and am a member of both public radio & TV. It's all I'll watch, and that not too often.

I have both a bathroom and an outhouse. My house is small, and reminds you of the "flower house" on the corner of 25th & ... P or Q -- Quimby, -- what's the P street? I don't know.

Anyway, that's me. Nice to meet you. I'll be here the rest of your life. I enjoy your intention to be a voice, or conduit for the planet & for spirit. The idea seems kind of highfalutin, to me, I just try to be honest -- look up Frank Waters. Much Love.

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