Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Writing Exercise, 17th Pm

[OK, here we go. The first post where I thought -- oh crap I can't post that folks will think I'm nuts. Just know, this is a freewriting exercise. It's not designed to make sense, and it really shouldn't even be punctuated. This one was wierd enough I just had to post it, once I got over the idea of folks thinking I was a lunatic.]

Stomach pain, "you don't know what you're doing." Blue Crocodilian eye. Aliens, paranoia, fear. "You can't know what you're getting into." Frogs reassuring -- from Cape Meyers trip with R. Frogs let me know everything was O.K.

More on aliens. They "know," and can go away. They could be either benevolent or malevolent, and you wouldn't really know. They are in the power position. They know, and can go away. They are luminescent and have large almond-shaped eyes and can be nice or not and you wouldn't know, but you've got a red and white flannel nightshirt on and a beard and a shotgun, and some fear-tuned aggression, and they'll die for all their power and knowing and you won't have to think about it and they're on your land anyways, and the blood's green and sparkles in the night?

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