Exposing the innards of my '93 fire lookout journal to the world --
an experiment on the cumulative effect of hundreds of first-drafts upon kind readers' psyche.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Tired of writing, and a favorite line, unknown date
She [Natalie Goldberg, have been doing writing practices out of Wild Mind book] wants me to write about my home now. I don't want to, I've written enough tonight. The only line I like is;
The sunlight was all dusty, and the air smelled like a cold, rusted muffler.
This is a journal transcribed from my first summer in a fire lookout in the Mt. Hood national forest. I wrote daily up at Hickman Butte -- pages and pages of stuff. Now none of this was ever intended to be shown to anybody, much less posted on the web. But I figured it might be interesting, and being a journal it is something I can type up sequentially, in chronological order. Maybe there is a character arc hidden in there I never saw; hell I don't know. So here it is. I am not promising word-for-word transliteration of the dam thing either -- I'll cut as much as seems reasonable, and leave in everything I possibly can without ruining (too badly) the English language or my so-far spotless prison record.
The Homestead
Hickman Butte Lookout, 1993
For those of you just starting reading
This is a journal, and best read sequentially.
Click Here for the first post, then just hit "newer post" at the bottom left of the page to get the next day. I wish I could set this blog to run backwards, but I haven't figured that one out yet.
When you return to the site, you can scroll down and click on the Blog Archive and begin reading on whatever date you want.
I'm a 38-year-old recent college graduate in Biology, husband, and new father, recovering from a career as an electrician. These blogs are intended for recreational use only -- any medicinal benefits are purely coincidental.
Email me with any rants, concerns or questions.
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